The second prize in the competition of ideas to azpilicuetaarquitectura is awarded.
The municipality of Mungia, Vizcaya Larreta announces the competition for the covering of the pediments. It's a contest for drafting project, construction, technical team management and which also includes the execution of the work by local Builder, integrated into the team.
The proposal envisages the Elimination of existing pediments cover. Both pediments are short shovel and share side walls.
There is a new enveloping curve by structure of laminated wood and walls light ribbed metal and polycarbonate with varying degrees of opacity, depending on sun exposure of the interior spaces of the two walls.
The team that has developed the proposal is made by:
Egoin, construction company, a company specializing in laminated wood; Daniel Azpilicueta, architect; Eduardo Ozcoidi and Josep Agustí, accountants of structure; Miguel Larraburu and Maria Navarro, surveyor.
The computer graphics were made by architect Jesús Bacaicoa.